
Dec 9, 2019

A matrix has been sold in Bulgaria since 1910.

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A matrix has been sold in Bulgaria since 1910.

A 1910 matrix appeared on a second-hand site. for the minting of gold coins. Information was scarce, but at the same time the price was attractive – about 300 euros. The Matrix was owned by the Royal Mint and how it fell into their hands is not clear.

In this case, the coin does not have a high numismatic price on the market and the quality of the matrix is impaired therefore it cannot reproduce the perfect image and the defects of time will eventually be printed on the coin as well. This begs the question of what happened to the matrices of the last century? The text of both states: Franz Joseph’s Original Steel Coin Matrix for Gold Coins.
The matrix was used to mint 12 g gold coins with the image of the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph. The inscription is in Russian – Alexander 2 Russian Emperor. On the matrix, the face traces peeling and creeping. “

How and in what way are mints stored, and who can guarantee that after a certain period of time, no one will misuse and issue them to the market? 5-6 years ago, an industrial equipment dealer had commissioned Canadian Mint Matrix Engraving Machines and the auction was interrupted and we are sure that the machines were purchased from someone with a dubious purpose. Then we at fakeart contacted the seller, but he did not answer us and the auction was terminated, most likely the machines were bought by someone who created a manufactory to create counterfeit coins there somewhere. It is not clear how the services control these processes.

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For you betrayed: Stefan Ivanov Proynov

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