
Apr 20, 2021

Fake Bronze Mask

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Fake Bronze Mask

Here is a photo of a fake Bronze Mask, which the criminal police found in a private home in Bulgaria. According to the police, it is ancient, and according to Stefan Proynov, it is fake, judging by the type of workmanship and the activity of the person who lives in this home. Proynov says “I know him, he is a regional connoisseur of ancient and ancient art, but he is also involved in black market restorations and I can add that he produces counterfeits, which he sells as such, but then they are sold for originals. at huge prices, this mask cannot be real ”! Judging by the style of workmanship and the type of patina that is used, I can confirm most responsibly, betting my authority that the mask is fake.

Years have passed and this has been confirmed and now I say that there must be people in the law enforcement agencies and the Customs Agency who really understand ancient values ​​in order not to conduct absurd cases in the judiciary. Bulgari was one of the largest producers of counterfeit antiques. I also attach a photo of fakes that were close to the mask and seized as well. Which confirm my version that the person is involved in the production of counterfeits.

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Art expert

For you betrayed: Stefan Ivanov Proynov

See more: fakeart.eu

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