
Mar 20, 2020

Imitators and their weapons

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Imitators and their weapons

Imitators and their weapons

Since the world is shining, imitators exist – they are scammers who create an artifact that looks like an original and make it an artifact.

There are people who make imitations but how are they sold? Master Krasi claims to be selling copyrighted products.

There are people who make imitations but how are they sold? Master Krasi claims to be selling copyrighted products.

The thirst for quick enrichment has always been embedded in man and they are the people who want it. There will always be those who want to buy a class and a high standard, to look in the eyes of society as their masters – millionaires and they fall into their traps.

Cheap treasure often turns out to be false. Those who try to deceive someone are often deceived. Therefore, origin and warranty items must be purchased.

Price is not leading, but leading is origin and authenticity, and the price is simply a matter of contract and desire. That’s why we art experts tell you to consult as “two opinions are more than one and three are more than two.” Greed is the fraudster’s best ally.Top of Form

For you betrayed: Stefan Ivanov Proynov

See more: fakeart.eu

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