In 2012, the team of archaeologist Daniela Agre discovered a ceramic vessel with silver coins in Sinemorets, Tsarevo municipality. The coins are silver and according to initial data are from the 3rd century BC. and about 200 weighing 4 kg. The condition of the coins is very good.

The most significant, unique and sensational is the presence of a large number of perfectly rare silver tetradrachms of the Thracian king Mostis. Until 1991, only 11 Mostis silver coins were known in the world’s most renowned museums and collections.
Expert Dr. Evgeni Paunov has managed to document three more copies, one of which was sold in 2004 for 5,000 euros.
The ceramic vessel with the treasure was found next to a tower, which is located in front of the fortified house of a Thracian ruler.
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