
Mar 1, 2020

Counterfeit Philip II

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Counterfeit Philip II

Counterfeit Philip II …

Philip II is the father of Alexander the Great and his favorite place to live is Philippopol – a city in Bulgaria! It is normal for many coins to be found with his face in Bulgaria and after there is a demand for such there will be supply, and from there it is also normal to produce such counterfeits after there is a demand for such on the market.Philip II is the father of Alexander the

The truth is that as long as there is anyone to buy on the black market, there will be who to offer, and as long as there is illicit trade there will be illegal production of such counterfeits. Unregulated and illegal markets lead to fraud and in any case both buyers and sellers are looking for profit.

The bad thing is that in the end, this profit is paid by collectors who reach ancient artifacts. That is why we art experts claim that “two opinions are more than one and three opinions are more than two.”

For you betrayed: Stefan Ivanov Proynov

See more: fakeart.eu

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